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News from La Perla

Writer: La Perla de FrigilianaLa Perla de Frigiliana

It’s November and it is definitely not a Spanish summer anymore. We consider this still a Finnish summer, but since Hannu started using long trousers on the 19th of October and we have seen some quilted jackets already on locals, it is definitely not summer anymore.

What an eventful month October was though! It started with spectacular works of art displayed in Frigiliana and ended with a huge storm that caused the loss of lives and massive destruction, especially in Valencia province. Our condolences to everyone who were affected!

Let’s start with the Ruta del Arte that was arranged for the 8th time this year. Imagine 60 artists displaying their art at 35 locations in Frigiliana. That was miraculous! To have a peak of the event you can visit their Facebook at Most of the pieces of art were for sale and it is advisable to reserve more than a day to go through all the sites. Remember that Frigiliana is a hilly village with a lot of stairs, and it can take time and energy to climb from one site to another. But what a great way to become familiar with the pueblo.

October was actually full of events, since Nerja had its annual Feria de Nerja right after the Ruta del Arte. That may have been one of the reasons why we still had a full house almost all the time and many of our guests stayed longer than people usually stay at the holiday season. Stay tuned for next year’s events and book your stay early with us!

Finally, a little about the storm. We have never seen such a rain! Mixture of water and hail in the amounts of unimaginable combined with fierce winds that moved some furniture and broke some lambs on our patios. Luckily, we suffered a little compared to many other places. We had some great rapids in our river Rio Chillar, which is usually dry, so dry that you can walk on the riverbed to Nerja or Frigiliana.

The sun is up on the first weekend of November as we are writing this in shorts and T-shirts, so all good and back to normal here!

Until next time, with love, Maarit & Hannu

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